Christ Mass MY ASS
Ok, let's get one thing straight! Jesus is not the "reason for the season". The season happens to be winter. The holiday is the return of lengthening days or the winter solstice. The christians have tried to inject their make believe "birthday of Jesus" into the celebration of the return of lengthening days so people won't celebrate the earth or things non-christian. Well just for the record FUCK THAT! I celebrate the return of light. I celebrate it with a tree and gifts. I reject the notion that Jesus and christianity have anything to do with it. Don't get me wrong. I love Jesus. I love what he stood for. I love what he did. He was a bit confused by all the myths and legends of the religion he was born into. But hey, who isn't? He was a remarkable role model. So were a few other people. Also for the record, I am aware that there are a lot of christian symbols embeded into the celebration of this holiday. I resent that and am determined to rectify that situation.
PS. there is no Satan, no God, no Holy Spirit etc. and I can prove it. Here's my proof. Nobody can show me any of them. NOBODY! I defy anybody to show me any of that. They can't because it is all imaginary!!! Of course, the lack of evidence is not disproof of anything but by the same token it is not proof either. I know, I know, you have to have faith. Sure you do. But you must hafve faith in the same thikng that the almighty church says to have faith in. Becauswe it is indeed the church that is almighty and it is just simply NOT the imaginary omnipotent being. By the way, people with such a strong belief in an imaginary friend and that say, "He/She makes things happen." have a mental illness. There is treatment for that.
Now, I have some friends who are christians. I apologize to them for this. However, there is such a strong anti-secular representation in this country that people are either villified for saying what I am saying or they are ignored into obscurity. That is a sign of people that are afraid of the truth. Don't be afraid. Let's talk about this issue. Let's get this issue out into the open and examine it publicly so other people can examine it with us. To those friends of mine I asy, "Please excuse me for being so angry about being opressed by so many people of your religion. I know that you are not my opressor. If you were, you would not be my friend. That being said please try to understand what I am saying and the reason for it. I do not dispute your right to believe in what you choose. I do not even argue, with you, that it is real. As we both know perception is reality. It is the people who capitalize on your religion and use it to their advantage to manipulate others that I am ranting about. It is the stealing of a perfectly good reason to celebrate and trying to replace it with NO forcing people to replace it with the christian celebration. I hope you understand.
Hey Mykl,
Good post. While I am an agnostic, I fully support everything you're saying. I was raised in the bible belt, by people who took the bible literally. They went to great lengths to get me to fall for their brainwashing techniques. 43 years later I still resist.
Keep fighting against this maddness. The US of A needs voices like yours now more than ever!!
Thanks Melbamae!
That is very nice to hear. I am just getting more and more cynical about "religion" as I go along. I respect a persons right to believe whatever they want. Obviously, I couldn't begin to stop them. However, there is supposed to be a separation of church and state in this great big freakin' country. There isn't. We have a flippin' prayer before congress convenes. Townships put up christmas lights and nativities etc. We don't celebrate Native American events, or Hebrew happenings, when is agnostic day?, what about the Hindus?. It just goes on and on.
Thank you again.
I will keep fighting the fight.
Long live the commercialization of christmas. Hail to Santa. (of course if you rearrange the letters of SANTA you get SATAN. You also get AS TAN and
ST. ANA and AN SAT, ANTS A, AT SAN, ANSTA) If you rearrange the letters of GOD you get DOG and ODG. So obviously we should fear dogs because they are the anti-god! Yikes! Run for your life. Oh my DOG there is no place to hide!!!
Ah...That spoke to my soul. Really. Great insight, well said.
All the madness lately makes me wonder if it's time to Armaget-it-on. I mean...for the world to end or whatnot.
Love the poem below.
Have you heard of the laws of thermodynamics?
(I know I know it sounds intellectually elitist) I don't really know what they all are but one of them states basically that everything is coming apart and there's nothing anyone can do about it. We can scoop up a bunch of stuff and jam it all together and call it something like a house or a jar of pickles or a pyramid or something but it's all going to come apart eventually. It appears that things are coming apart pretty fast. I'm going to try to hang on to the last crumb of stuff before it all comes apart. It's like the people clinging onto bits of floating debris after the ship goes down. They're bobbing about in the ocean totally out of place with nothing even slightly resembling control over their own destiny. The opposite of fish on a boat deck. Someone is about to whack em on the head with a club. That will be my destiny. The club will finally put me out of my misery.
I hope I taste good with a little butter and lemon.
mykl I understand your apprehension about what I write.
How do you overcome the existential fear? Do you wake up at night, thinking that after the light show and the tunnel it all goes to black?
I ask because I do. I claw my way out of sleep thinking about it.
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