It's late and I'm tired
but it's always late
and I'm always tired
so what's new...?
No, not you.
It's rhetorical.
I took the boy to the city today.
It was the first installation of the braces.
Let the games begin!
He was all excited about them.
"I'm getting braces today!",
he was telling everyone he met along the way.
By the time we got home he was still excited
"i'll keep my mouth closed and surprise mom."
"It's hardly a surprise." I informed him.
His exuberance was overflowing.
It was impossible for me to tell him,
"It aint gonna be so much fun in a couple days."
He was a jumping bean on a carnival ride.
The reality hasn't set in yet.
Surprisingly he put himself to bed early.
That's what I should be doing.
But nooo...
I'm sitting here typing out my words to you,
my faithful readers.
All 1.7 of you.
But hey, I love you nonetheless.
What a great compound word.
I can't think of another compound word
that uses three words with each of them
being completely spelled out within the word.
Of course, I can't think of hardly anything right now.
Can you?
Technically, no you can't!
Even if you could...
What was I saying?
I believe I was about to launch into some sort of
Thanks for stopping me.
Hey, it's time to take the dog out and go to bed.
NO, of course I don't sleep outside with the dog.
The dog has to have a pre-bedtime "outdoor experience"
(so far this is an almost completely clean post.
except for the "bullshitish" part which I believe
you can hear on network television now.
So that is proof that it is morally acceptable to
the censorship fuckers that work for the
right wing fuckers
that try to fuck us all with mom's apple pie
for lube.)
So that's why I'm not going to
report that the dog might take a shit.
Damn it! You made me say "shit".
Well, technically, it wasn't YOU.
But it was...
Hey wait a minute.
This is getting out of hand.
Good night!
I loved getting braces, too...and glasses, and contacts--and, more recently: Lasik. :)
I'm not drunk anymore, sadly. Maybe we can dual drunk post some time, though!
Hey Lisa,
I can never figure out if it works better to reply to someones comment here or over at their blog. So I'm doing both.
Drunk post dueling sounds like a ripping good time. Perhaps we'll set a date sometime. Another 3 day weekend sounds good. I think you are 1 time zone ahead of me. I'm getting all fuzzy headed just thinking about it.
oh wait a minute you said "dual". I guess that would be a little less competitive. Fun nonetheless!
The dentist (orthodontist) assures me that there is not supposed to be much pain if any. So far so good. The only problemn was a bit of friction on his lip on the first night. Since problems...except that one of the braces fell off. Fortunately it was not attached yet. He has an "expander in tghe roof of his mouth that is supposed to spread out his upper teeth. I turn a "nut" every other night. Once again, so far so good.
The braces brackets are attached tothe teeth woth some kind of amalgum that is hardened with high intensity light. Very space age techno braces.
I hope they don't keep falling off.
Thanks for thinking of us.
I just "turned" the apparatus in his upper mouth. He doesn't complain. I am supposed to turn it 15 times before his next appointment.
I am happily surprised at how he's doing.
You might be right about the $5K!
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