Mr. P A Chen

My name's Michael but not "Chen" but I M a PHN.( Public Health Nurse) I live in Washington State, USA. I have a family, two cats & a dog. I like JAZZ: Acoustic Alchemy, The Rippingtons, Spyro Gyra and other kinds of music. Talk to me about philosophy (concepts not authors ) I will deconstruct and or disect. I love France and the USA, eat French Fries but never had a Menage a Trois, love Veggie hot dogs but not mock apple pie. I yam what I yam! Take it or leave it. Clothing optional.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

you're reading this

I spend so much time checking and commenting
on other peoples blogs
that I frequently run out of time to write on my own blog.
So I decided to write first and check second.
There are two that I check regularly,
one that I check often and a new one.
I obsessively check boredhousewife.
I regularly visit rumba queen and Jennifer.
I have started checking Ms. Knia's GAG often.
I used to visit Vanne regularly
but she started a blog that is mostly in the language Tagalog.
I don't know Tagalog.
I blame Jennifer for getting me into this mess.
I was preparing to post a comment on her site when I
inadvertently launched the
"start your own blog" sequence.
After I realized what was happening I decided
"hey why not?"
Now I know why not.
This thing will make you crazy!!!
OH don't get me wrtong.
I'm lovin' it!!!
But I don't get enough sleep.
Take right now for example...
I could be getting ready for bed and getting a full nights sleep.
But noooo, I'm blogging and
Having great fun.
I have found new friends in far away places.
I have found an outlet for my writing jones.
I have learned interesting things about
places in the world that i hope to visit someday.
I hope to meet some of these interesting people someday.
But I'll never go anywhere if I don't get some sleep!
good night sweet princes and princesses


At 9:01 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi there. I followed you home from bored housewife. Nice site!

At 7:58 PM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Thanks for stopping by Nancy. I took a trip over to your spot as well. You can see my sentiments over there. I saw your site in the new links at boredhousewife's home. I was intrigued by the name. It was going to be one of the first ones that I checked out. Obviously, there are way too many sites to leave comments for everyone. I hope you attack that novel, subdue it and get it in the can. i am just struggling to keep up with posting on my site. The novel will come when my life settles down and I have mor blocks of time to dedicate to wrtiting. Like so many others the blog is just a placed to sharpen my skills.

At 10:41 PM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Nancy D.
P.S. Did you follow the link from boredhousewife from her new links or from a comment? just curious.


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