Mr. P A Chen

My name's Michael but not "Chen" but I M a PHN.( Public Health Nurse) I live in Washington State, USA. I have a family, two cats & a dog. I like JAZZ: Acoustic Alchemy, The Rippingtons, Spyro Gyra and other kinds of music. Talk to me about philosophy (concepts not authors ) I will deconstruct and or disect. I love France and the USA, eat French Fries but never had a Menage a Trois, love Veggie hot dogs but not mock apple pie. I yam what I yam! Take it or leave it. Clothing optional.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

don't get me wrong

I had a bad fucking day today.
Oh, by the way,
if you don't like
cussing, swearing, bad language,
dirty words, foul mouth,
naughty language, potty talk,
(and for you crossword fans)
then, you guessed it,
fuck off!
As I said,
I had a bad fucking day.
Now, I'm not completely sure why.
I have some ideas, such as
(yes, men have them too)
uncooperative children
(yes, men have them too)
a fucking dog
(and I don't mean that in a literal way)
mid-winter gray sky slump
(nothing here)
fucking bureaucracies
(and I don't mean that in a literal way)
(because that might just have made my day)
the stress of all of the above
(I do mean that in a literal way)
I'm leaving off a few just for good measure
(I mean that in a literal way)
So, in conclusion, as you can see,
I'm fucked.
As you can also probably see,
not in a Hurricane Katrina kind of way,
but more of a
"Auntie Em! Auntie Em! Let me into the storm cellar!"
kind of way.
Oh sure everybody has stress
and it gets to them once in a while.
Well, today must have been my day!
I had a melt down.
I was just steamin' hot pissed all day.
Everyone at the office noticed.
I wasn't fun to be around.
(Yvonne, if you are reading this, I love you.
If you aren't reading this, I love you.
Not in the "Oh Baby" kind of way
but in the - I really thank you for being you
and thank you for noticing and appreciating
the real me - kind of way)
Any fucking way, there you have it.
My pissed off, feel like shit on a hobo's shoe
kind of day.
I anticipate a better day tomorrow.
If it's another day like today,
lookout you fucking bastards
I'm gonna take your heads off
shit in your neck hole
and have sex with your
boyfriend girlfriend husband wife
pets (including goldfish) grandma
third grade teacher and your favorite
cartoon character! Yes!
That's right! I said "have sex".
So don't fucking cross me,
(I don't mean that literally)
unless I'm having a better day.


At 3:11 AM, Blogger LT said...

Hie Mykl,

thanks for your comment. The goal of my blog is to found a new company. My actualy job is nice but the firm is not very sure (to much downsizing I presume), so I test the market of jobs ! I hope for you that this day will be better for you. Here it's Friday, so, friday'a attitude is on !
I don't know Nogent Le Rotrou, exept the name.



At 11:28 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

That's it, I'm hiding my goldfish. I'll assume the hedgehog is safe, though.

I hope you are having a better day. The worst ones are when you can't point to one source for your frustration.

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Bored Housewife said...

that was one hell of a rant!

simply marvelous.

(hope you're feeling better, of course. but damn does pissy make for good post(y))!


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