Mr. P A Chen

My name's Michael but not "Chen" but I M a PHN.( Public Health Nurse) I live in Washington State, USA. I have a family, two cats & a dog. I like JAZZ: Acoustic Alchemy, The Rippingtons, Spyro Gyra and other kinds of music. Talk to me about philosophy (concepts not authors ) I will deconstruct and or disect. I love France and the USA, eat French Fries but never had a Menage a Trois, love Veggie hot dogs but not mock apple pie. I yam what I yam! Take it or leave it. Clothing optional.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

get satisfied

I'm not satisfied with my posting style.
I would like to post in a more
stream of consciousness style.
I usually have to post in the evening when I am tired
and it is often kind of late.
I'm tired
Did I say I'm tired?
Well, what am I supposed to do?
I can't post at work.
I can't post in the morning
when there is all the hubub of getting ready to go.
On the weekend I can post but here are all kinds
of distractions.
I mean not "every kind"
some kinds I wouldn't mind
but they would be illegal,
immoral, or
I'm not going to say "fattening"
but I am going to say
relationship deal breakers.
Oh come on, you know what I mean...
I don't have to spell it out do I?
Use your imagination.
You're a slut!
I mean not all the time but sometimes you are.
Come on.... admit it.
sometimes your hormones and your...
whatever you have...
start talkin' and your fingers start rockin'.
(except for those of you that just can't bring yourself to do it)
(you must have tried it at least once to know you don't like it)
Well, channel the slut in you and
you will be on the right track!
Anyway, I want to
be more spontaneous.
I usually start to rant about something
and start throwing in a few
"fuck this" and "fuck that"
which, for the record, if you don't like
you know that you can....
ok ok I won't say it
but you know I mean it anyway.

Yesterday was Valentines day and
I gave candy and cards to all.
They all had to do a treasure hunt to find their stuff.
There was much love and laughter.
then we sent everybody off
without giving them their respective medications.
Oh well!
Nobody croaked
so I guess they don't really need them after all...
not true!!!
There would be some significant H E double hockey sticks
to pay if that went on for more than one consecutive episode.
There is always the make up pill event
that everyone hopes will be sufficient.
How did you like that "hockey sticks" thing?
For those of you from other countries
"H E double hockey sticks" is the
won't get you in trouble at school version of

I'm glad I could provide
some education about Americanisms
in this post.
It is so important to make the effort
to have some redeaming social value
redeaming social fucking value.
As long as that is in there
I won't offend anyone.
This post is now sanctioned
by the redeaming social fucking values
moral majority.
Thank you!
Please Masturbate soon!
Please think of me when you do.
Have a nice day
(how do you get those cute little fucking smiley faces in here?)


At 8:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Really, I prefer the moniker, "Whore of Babylon." Slut is just so common.

Anywhoo, I understand the frustration with trying to find time and headspace to blog. It's worth it, though.

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Bored Housewife said...

Nights are usually my best times to blog, but I only have mornings free. Fancy that.

I should really come here more often.

At 9:44 AM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Nancy, Thank you "W of B" I appreciate the encouragement. I haven't even checked any blogs for a couple of days. It feels weird like I am abandoning some friends.

Lisa, that is the pits. That's why I usually end up leaving a comment on your post and it is at the end a long list of comments. You have usually moved on by then. As you know, sometimes the comments are as much fun as the post and the comments on the comments... well, they take on a life of their own don't they?

Anyway, it's very nice to have you both drop by. Do you check for responses to your comments like I do?
just curious
ps I'm enjoying some Starbucks liquer and Bailey's in my coffee this morning. MMMM.....

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I always check. Like, 20 times a day. My husband just called me neurotic, but I prefer 'thorough'.
So, I guess that makes me the Thorough Whore of Babylon.

At 6:53 AM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Well, as you can imagine, there is hardly anything more appreciated than a thorough whore. I do appreciate your thoroughness. Hand me that tissue please. What?! Oh no... not that! Your thoroughness has brought a tear to my eye.

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh. Whoops. Here you go.



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