Mr. P A Chen

My name's Michael but not "Chen" but I M a PHN.( Public Health Nurse) I live in Washington State, USA. I have a family, two cats & a dog. I like JAZZ: Acoustic Alchemy, The Rippingtons, Spyro Gyra and other kinds of music. Talk to me about philosophy (concepts not authors ) I will deconstruct and or disect. I love France and the USA, eat French Fries but never had a Menage a Trois, love Veggie hot dogs but not mock apple pie. I yam what I yam! Take it or leave it. Clothing optional.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Satan School of Dance and Needlepoint

Well Well Well Who's evil now?
Sorry! I don't believe in good and evil.
B ut this was fun!
Thanks Zijin!

You Are 20% Evil

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

Now this is more like it.
If I seem to contradict myself
it's because I don't have to
be right about things.
Do you?

You Are 76% Open Minded

You are so open minded that your brain may have fallen out!
Well, not really. But you may be confused on where you stand.
You don't have a judgemental bone in your body, and you're very accepting.
You enjoy the best of every life philosophy, even if you sometimes contradict yourself.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

58% evil, 88% open-minded.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Though, judging by the questions they asked, it's more like 58% anarchist.

At 9:12 PM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Pepper is a "black dog". Maybe some sort of Border Collie/Lab/??? mix
I'll have to agree with you on the questions. "Do you believe in God?"
I have been thinking lately about that one.
I've decided that there is this sentiment out therethat if you don't believe in "god" you lack something.
You've got to believe in something don't you?
What if the belief in god was the lack of ability to live without a god structure.
I don't lack something. I posess something that
"religious" people lack.
Take that! lack of non-believing bastards!
The beauty of Audioblog is that you can erase what you've just spoken and try again. ALSO
Who gives a flying squirrel what you say of haw many time syou say "umm"?
In fact, the whole post might be just one "umm".
Point of interest - "umm" is a version of "OM".
So, seek balance and say what's on your mind at the same time.
Anarchy rules! (I mean, no it doesn't)

At 9:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Completely off-topic, but what inspired you to go into the medical field?

At 9:12 PM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Nancy D,
I got into the medical field for a couple of reasons. I took care of an old guy one winter in Montana. He needed help with his meds and foot care. He died that summer but I had the sense that I eased his pain and loneliness that year.
Later I had to find a job after we moved into Washington. I decided to join the National Guard unit in my town. They had an opening for a medic.
That seemed like the right spot for me. After that I became a nurses aide in a nursing home and after that a nurse.
On another topic...I tried to make a visit to your site this evening. I got a message that I was "forbidden access by the server". Did something happen over there? Was it something I said? I did say "excuse me" after I farted.
just curious,

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, you and me both. I can't get to my own site, and I forgot to leave a key under the mat. I can't get over to tootsie roll, either.

So, my guess is that she and I are either neighbors on the same server, or the road to our blogs is blocked.

I was kind of hoping it was because my 200 visitors yesterday gummed things up.

At 9:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I've known a few people who have gone into the medical field because of a similar experience to the one you had; it seems that easing pain is addictive.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger mykl jon said...

Yeah Man! I'm jonesin'for some pain easin'. Ya got any pain I can help you with. I gotta get me a fix!!!
But seriously, I never thought of it that way. Interesting idea. Thanks for the perspective.

At 11:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah I got a pain...go fix my blog, would ya? It's still fubar. I'm jonesin. There goes my 15 minutes.

At 3:25 PM, Blogger Reality Check said...

Hey Mykl Jon - I'm 20% evil too - the thing must be rigged! There is no way a red head is only 20% evil!


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