This is the week of
the children's theater.
The boy is in the play
so we are staying in town until 7:30
or more.
The Missoula Children's Theatre
comes but once a year in the winter.
The boy auditions every year for 5 years.
He gets in the play 4 out of 5 times.
That means I have to get involved.
That's not such a bad thing.
It works if everyone in the house has buy-in.
So I figure, if I'm going to get involved
I should jump in with both feet.
But both of my feet are
on thin ice.
so that means
I am jumping on thin ice
with both feet.
Not too smart.
I've never claimed to be too smart.
Perhaps not even smart at all.
I do allright.
I figured out how to use this computer.
Ok, a 4 year old could do that.
I figured out the meaning of life.
Ok, a 4 year old could do that too!
Oh, you don't know the meaning of life?
Well, ask a 4 year old.
You probably thought I was going to tell you.
That would be cheating.
You must figure it out for yourself.
Oh, there's one more thing.
It keeps changing.
That doesn't seem fair does it?
That's where the cussing comes in.
The more you fucking swear
the easier it is for you to figure out.
I didn't swear enough for a while.
It was frustrating.
I felt that I was on the verge
of figuring out something important.
I just couldn't for the life of me figure out
what the fuck it was.
It wasn't until I broke down
and admitted that I felt like shit
that I could begin to
see the inner light
that fucking shines right out of me.
I know there are a lot of assholes out there
that will say this is absurd.
It may seem absurd
until it starts making sense.
That's when you know
"This is the shit you've been trying to figure out!"
Then you break down and realize
nobody else will have a fucking clue
what you are talking about.
You are alone.
You have the answers
but nobody wants to ask the questions.
Go take a shower.
You stink!
I think I got off track...
The children's theatre is in town.
It is so damn cute
and the directors
are unfathomably perky.
I have to heat up the dinner
someone else made for them
every night.
I'm involved dammit!!!